Powershell script to Copy GPO Links

By | December 2, 2010

I was recently involved in a task to consolidate an OU structure.  Part of this involved moving user objects from one OU to another and re-linking GPOs that were linked to the old OU to the new OU.  There were a large number of links and I didn’t fancy adding them manually, so I spent a little time writing a PoSH script to do it.   Enjoy!  As always, please post a comment if know of a better/different way to do the same thing.

# Name: CopyGPOLinks.ps1 
# Author: Tony Murray 
# Version: 1.0 
# Date: 26/10/2010 
# Comment: PowerShell 2.0 script to copy GPO links from 
# one OU to another 

# Import the Group Policy module 
Import-Module GroupPolicy 

### Set global variables 

# Source for GPO links 
$Source = "OU=Sales,DC=contoso,DC=com" 
# Target where we want to set the new links 
$Target = "OU=Logistics,DC=contoso,DC=com" 

### Finished setting global variables 

# Get the linked GPOs 
$linked = (Get-GPInheritance -Target $source).gpolinks 

# Loop through each GPO and link it to the target 
foreach ($link in $linked) 
    $guid = $link.GPOId 
    $order = $link.Order 
    $enabled = $link.Enabled 
    if ($enabled) 
        $enabled = "Yes" 
        $enabled = "No" 
    # Create the link on the target 
    New-GPLink -Guid $guid -Target $Target -LinkEnabled $enabled -confirm:$false 
    # Set the link order on the target 
    Set-GPLink -Guid $guid -Target $Target -Order $order -confirm:$false 


3 thoughts on “Powershell script to Copy GPO Links

  1. Angelo

    That is a great script. I have been looking at a way to replicate our production GPO listing (of which there are many) to a test OU so I can clean them up. You have made the job much easier.

  2. Sean Huggans

    I modified this a bit – added the ability to use a text file of OU DNs (one per line, not quoted).

    I put the main part of your script into a loop within a function and call the function for each DN found in the text list.

    # Name: CopyGPOLinks.ps1
    # Original Author: Tony Murray
    # Version: 1.0
    # Original Date: 26/10/2010
    # Comment: PowerShell 2.0 script to copy GPO links from
    # one OU to another
    # Modified by: Sean Huggans
    # Added external list function as well as enforcement
    # checking, also added human readable output.

    # Import the Group Policy module
    Import-Module GroupPolicy

    ### Set global variables

    # Source for GPO links
    $Source = “OU=SampleOU,DC=SampleDomain,DC=org”
    $TargetList = “c:\temp\newOUlist.txt”
    # Target where we want to set the new links
    ### Finished setting global variables

    function CopyGPOs {
    # Get the linked GPOs
    $linked = (Get-GPInheritance -Target $source).gpolinks
    echo “————————————————”
    echo $Target
    echo “————————————————”

    # Loop through each GPO and link it to the target
    foreach ($link in $linked)
    $guid = $link.GPOId
    $title = $link.DisplayName
    $order = $link.Order
    $enabled = $link.Enabled
    if ($enabled)
    $enabled = “Yes”
    $enabled = “No”

    $enforced = $link.Enforced
    if ($enforced)
    $enforced = “Yes”
    $enforced = “No”
    echo “———”
    echo “$title – Link Enabled: $enabled – Policy Enforced: $enforced”

    # Create the link on the target
    New-GPLink -Name $title -Target $Target -LinkEnabled $enabled -confirm:$false
    # Set the link order on the target
    Set-GPLink -Name $title -Target $Target -Order $order -confirm:$false
    # Set the original enforcement setting on the target
    Set-GPLink -Name $title -Target $Target -Enforced $enforced -confirm:$false
    echo ” ”
    echo ” ”

    $DestList = Get-Content $TargetList
    foreach ($ListedOU in $DestList) {
    $Target = $ListedOU


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